Les relations corps esprit ou la Psychosomatique Intégrative
Les relations corps esprit ou la Psychosomatique Intégrative
Pr Jean Benjamin STORA psychosomaticien des relations corps-esprit, mieux soigner les maladies somatiques
Pr Jean Benjamin STORA psychosomaticien des relations corps-esprit, mieux soigner les maladies somatiques
comment mieux soigner les patients somatiques
ECOLE PSYCHOSOMATIQUE DE LA PITIÉ-SALPÊTRIÈRE comment mieux soigner les patients somatiques

The Psychosomatic Therapy Casebook

Fifteen case studies illustrate the holistic approach of integrative psychosomatics.

'Jean Benjamin Stora was President of the Paris Psychosomatic School in the 1990s. Subsequently, his work at the Pitié-SaIpétriére Hospital led him to develop a new discipline: integrative psychosomatics. It was based on a scientific model called "metapsychosomatics", which SUPPOrtS the tension of knowledge between three disciplines: biomedicine, neuroscience, and metapsychology. Following on from his previous works, this book explains the model and its paradigm in which the individual is perceived and investigated as a whole, in other words, as a "psychosomatic unit". Through fifteen clinical cases, Stora exposes the clinical and therapeutic orientations at play. This is an important book for doctors, clinicians, and psychological practitioners. It carries an obvious get often overlooked message: that the care of patients should not focus solely on the disease or biological system as separate from mind and spirit, but should also focus on taking care of the person behind the illness. Dr L. Naccache, Professor at the Psychosomatic School of the Pitié-Salpétriére Hospital

JEAN BENJAMIN STORA is the Honorary Dean of Faculty of the School of Higher Commercial Studies of Paris (HEC) and a practising psychoanalyst and psychosomatist. He chaired the Institute of Psychosomatics "Pierre Marty" from 1989 to 1992 and the French Society of Psychosomatic Medicine from 2000 to 2002. He created and ran the consultation of psychosomatics from 1993 to 2015 at the Hospital La Pitié-Salpétriére. He is the current Director of the Society of Integrative Psychosomatics.

Cover image: Benjavisa Ruangvaree Art/

                                                                                                  Shutterstock.com    ISBN 978-1-80-013144-6